Ruby Ayoub Scholarship
Take2 Performing Arts School are delighted to offer up to three lucky students a scholarship each academic year. We offer Musical Theatre, Drama & Dance scholarships!
Ruby was only with Take2 for a short time but her memory and spirit will always be with us.
We would ask that you kindly support ‘Act for Meningitis’ who are a charity which aims to raise awareness and educate society about the signs and symptoms of meningitis while offering free support services in Ireland to those affected by the disease.
Ruby passed away on November 13th 2009.

2024/2025 Scholarship Winners

Lauren Roarty
Hi my name is Lauren Roarty, I started Take 2 three years ago and I absolutely love attending the classes every Saturday! It is without a doubt my favourite part of the week!I started helping out at the Little Stars classes just before Christmas, and it it so much fun getting to help teach the Little Stars new dances and songs!I never got the pleasure of meeting Ruby but she must have been very special to everyone at Take 2 and I’m so honoured to have won the scholarship that’s in her name.All of the crew at Take 2 are so kind and dedicated to teaching us. So I just wanted to say thanks Pamela, and everyone at Take 2, for making Saturdays so special for me and for awarding me this scholarship.Thank you so much once again,

Laura Conroy
Hello, my name is Laura Conroy and I’m 12 years old. I joined Take2 7 years ago in little stars. I’m now in ‘Action’ and I still absolutely adore all of my take2 teacher and classmates.Each Saturday morning my good friend Lauren and I go to help out in the current little stars class and it is one of my favourite parts of the take2 day.Lauren and I were both awarded with the Ruby Ayoub scholarship and I am beyond grateful to accept the award in honour of this amazing little girl.Thank you Pamela and the entire take2 team for awarding me with the Ruby Ayoub Scholarship, teaching me valuable skills and most of all for making take2 the highlight of my week of many years now.I hope everyone has an amazing summer and see you all next year.
2023/2024 Scholarship Winners
Musical Theatre Scholarship - Ana Dowling
Hi, my name is Ana Dowling, I am 11 years old. I started in “Lights” when I was very little. I am in “Action” now and I love everything we do in Take2.
I can’t believe you gave me this awesome award, I have never met Ruby but she must have been very special.
Thank you very much Pamela and coaches for everything, I still can’t believe I won this Scholarship for next year!!! I am so happy!!!
You are all so nice and TAKE2 ROCKS!!!
Have a lovely summer!!!
A note from her parents
Hi Pamela and team,
We just wanted to say thank you very much for everything you do.
The show yesterday was phenomenal, I am still singing along through the songs…!!!
You can really see the amount of hard work and commitment that must go into it from coaches and children to put it together. It was sensational!!! Well done all!
Then to top that up, Ruby’s scholarship was awarded to Ana!!! Wow!!! She couldn’t believe it!!! Her face was lighting up with this enormous smile from side to side!!! What a feeling!!! We are so proud of her and completely delighted she got it!!! Thank you very very much for appreciating her work and dedication.
Ana absolutely loves Take2, she has been doing it for years now and she is as excited coming through your doors every Saturday as she was the first day she started.
We, as parents, really appreciate it too because it made her so happy and it goes without saying that our pockets are delighted too… as it is a huge reward for everyone here, not only emotionally but also economically, so thank you very much, we are very grateful.
Thanks again. All the best, Áurea

2022/2023 Scholarship Winners

Musical Theatre Scholarship -
Sophie Colleran
Hi my name is Sophie Colleran and I would like to thank all my Take 2 teachers for awarding me the Musical Theatre Scholarship.
I was so surprised and delighted when I heard my name being called out. This is such an honour as I love attending Take2 classes every week, it is my most favourite part of my week. I cant wait to attend my classes again in September.
Drama Scholarship - Vojin Djordjevic
I have been in Take 2 for about 3 years now, and I never thought I would have this much fun in such a relatively short amount of time. Take 2 is the most kind and welcoming drama school you will find in Ireland.
I am very honoured and grateful to get the Drama scholarship by Pamela and the team. I was not expecting it at all. Once again I would like to say a huge thanks to all teachers for helping me get here. I am very excited to meet all my friends in the drama school in September and to improve my acting skills further.
Sincerely Yours,
Vojin Djordjevic, May 2022

2020/2021 Scholarship Winners
Drama Scholarship - Laura Russell
Hi, my name is Laura Russell and I wanted to say a big thanks to Pamela & the Crew for awarding me the Take2 Drama Scholarship.
I think it will a great opportunity going into my third year of Take2, I know it will be so much fun as every time I go to Take2 everyone is so welcoming and so kind.
I always have the best time and it is by far the highlight of my week. I can’t wait to get back to classes to see everyone.
Laura (May 2020)

Senior Musical Theatre Scholarship -
Millie Downes
Hi, my name is Millie Downes and I would like to thank Pamela and all of the Take2 crew for awarding me the ‘Senior Musical Theatre Scholarship’. I have been part of Take2 for 11 years and I have had such an amazing experience. It is honestly the highlight of my week! I have gained so many new skills and with all of the teachers help, I have really come out of my shell. This opportunity means so much to me so thanks again.
Millie X
Musical Theatre Scholarship -
Tegan Downer
I have been in Take2 for 10 years now since I was three years old & I have enjoyed every minute of it.
I have learnt so much and gained so much from this experience and I can’t wait for September as I have missed seeing everyone’s faces.
I am so happy to have won this scholarship, it means so much to me and I am so grateful.
Thank you so so much,
Tegan (May 2020)

Dance Scholarship -
Sophie Gough
Thank you so much Pamela and all the crew for giving me the dance scholarship, I am so happy and I was not expecting this at all.
I love being in Take2 every week and seeing all my friends. It is the highlight of my week. I can’t wait to get back to Take 2 in September.
Thank you everyone so much. Sophie Gough
Sophie (May 2020)
2019/2020 Scholarship Winners
Musical Theatre Scholarship -
Alex Bennett
Dear Pamela and the crew of Take 2
I cant thank you enough for awarding me the Musical Theatre scholarship. It is an absolute honour to have received this award and I will never forget it!
I remember when we had finished the show and and you were calling out the names of the people that had won the awards and when my name was called I was in total disbelief. Then when you called me up to the front of the stage I felt I was at a complete loss for words.
I am so glad to have joined Take 2. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I vividly remember my first day, I was quite nervous to go in because I had no idea how kind and caring the crew are, and how much fun the next two years of my life were going to be. I met one of my good friends Will in Take 2 and ever since I joined Take 2 I’ve felt so much more confident. The shows are one of the things I look forward most to in the year and its just an over all amazing experience
Thank you again
Yours sincerely Alex Bennett

Drama Scholarship -
Elli Sheehy
Thank you so much, Pamela, for nominating me for the drama scholarship for Take2. It is a fantastic honour to have been chosen for this award. Take 2 is my favourite thing to do in the week and I am really looking forward to starting Tuesday Drama classes. I have learnt so much from all the teachers at Take2, while all the time having so much fun. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn even more about Drama.
2018/2019 Scholarship Winners
Musical Theatre Scholarship -
Laura Quane
To Pamela & the fantastic team in Take2,
I just want to say, that to be awarded the ‘Ruby Ayoub Scholarship’, is such a huge honour for me, especially on the night when we were celebrating Take2’s 30th Anniversary.
I LOVE Take2 so much. It’s great for everyone, if you’re shy it takes you out of your comfort zone or if you’re like me and live to perform, you get to do what you love to do all of the time.
The teachers in Take2 are amazing, they are always there to help & support us. So thank you so, so much.
My highlight of the week is going to Take 2. Thank you all again. Laura xxx

Drama Scholarship -
Niamh Moriarty
Thank you to Pamela and Shauna for choosing me to be awarded the Ruby Ayoub scholarship. It means so much to me. I started drama in September 2017 and I adore it with all my heart. My favourite day of the week is Tuesday because that is the day I go to drama. When I’m there we have so much fun and laughs but somehow always manage to get everything done. My favourite thing we did this year was the feis in the Talbot Hotel. It was such great fun running around to all the different competitions and having to become someone else. I love Take2 as it’s the best drama school ever THANK YOU SO MUCH!
2017/2018 Scholarship Winner
Grace Heffernan
Dear Pamela and all of the amazing Take 2 Crew! I am so honoured that you all decided to award me the Ruby Ayoub Scholarship this year. Never in a million years did I think I would be given this wonderful award. I felt both surprised and proud when my name was called out on the last day of term! I love Take 2 and it is the highlight of my week. I have made so many friends throughout the last four or five years.
Whether I was in Lights, Camera or Action I have loved every minute of it all. Whether it is singing with Carl, dancing with Ciara and Chloe or Drama with Shauna, Nicole or Sophie I always have so much fun. The show each year is so much fun, and all our hard work and preparation really pays off. This year’s show was the best yet and hopefully next year’s will be even better! Thanks again to you guys, and to my Mum and Dad. I hope I can help to honour the memory of Ruby throughout this year and that we have as much fun as ever!

2016/2017 Scholarship Winner

Thank you so much for deciding to give me the Ruby Ayoub scholarship this year! I really never thought that my name would be called out for such a big award and I was so honoured to be holding the trophy particularly as Ruby was in my school, the Lycée Français d’Irlande. Sadly I never got to meet her but my friends all told me what a lovely girl she was.
I love Take2 so much as every week it means I can get up on a Saturday morning knowing that I am going to learn something new that is always fun, whether it’s singing, dancing or acting. I’m always sad when its over as I have to wait another 7 days till my next lesson. I’ve also made so many new friends.
Every year Take2 have an amazing Show in the Pavilion Theatre. Last year we did a mix of different plays – The Lion King, Newsies, Hairspray and Sister Act. Also every year we take part in the Muscial Theatre feis. You do a bunch of different competitions and its really fun. I normally do the Improvisation and the MusicalTheatre ones because those are really enjoyable. I cant wait to do it again
I am really looking forward to the new year and another great end of year performance.
So I wish everyone a really fun year and hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Thank you again,
2015/2016 Scholarship Winner
Isabel O'Keeffe
Dear Pamela & all the Take 2 Crew, Thank you all so much for awarding me the ‘Ruby Ayoub Scholarship’ this year. I am honoured to have been chosen in Ruby’s memory.I honestly couldn’t believe it when my name was called out. I just felt so happy.
I joined Take 2 Musical Theatre classes at the very start in 2010 and I still absolutely love going to class every Saturday, it really brightens up my week. We learn something new in every class, from staging, singing techniques and cool dance moves. I’ve made lots of new friends from different schools and we have great fun especially at rehearsals for our end of year show.
I love to dance, sing and act and it was great this year to be part of the Junior Dance Crew as we got to learn lots of new dance routines. We also get to go on trips to different musicals in the theatres in Dublin. This year we went to see ‘Grease’, I loved all the singing and dancing and it was great to do some of these scenes in our end of year Show ‘Do You Remember’.Thank you so much to everyone for making our classes such fun – can’t wait to find out what our next show will be all about.
Lots of hugs

2014/2015 Scholarship Winner

Clodagh Rolland
I wish to be considered for Ruby’s Scolarship it wouldn’t be smart, this opportunity to skip. Take Two means so much, I always want to go, because every week it helps, my confidence to grow.
In September I’m nervous, full of silly fears, by showtime I’m excited, holding back the tears. September I’m shy, feeling really tense, by showtime I’m bursting with new found confidence. September I’m akward with a clunky set of hooves, by showtime I’m slick, ‘bustin’ out the moves! September I’ve a script, but am shaky with no flow, by showtime I’m performing a sparkling new show!!
By Clodagh Rolland
Take2 means everything to me. I am so happy to have received the ‘Ruby Take2’ Scholarship 2014-2015. Ever since I joined over three years ago it has been the highlight of my week, every week! I particularly love the ‘dance crew’ because every week we come together and come up with new dance routines and then compete in dance competitions. This year we had an amazing trip to London’s West End to see ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Billy Elliot’. We also went to Pineapple Studios and did a singing workshop with a cast member of Phantom of the Opera and a dance workshop with a cast member from Elliot. We also visited the Globe & Royal Theatre, Drury Lane. I really hope to go back again next year to see more shows. It’s an annual trip! At the end of each year we put on a fantastic musical. . With the exception of Christmas Eve this is the best night of my year! I adore all of the fun, excitement, nerves and friendship that putting on a musical brings. Take2 has really helped my confidence and has added so much to my life! Clodagh Rolland.
2013/2014 Scholarship Winner

Emily Gallagher
2012/2013 Scholarship Winner
Lucy Rice
We were so delighted and proud when we heard that Lucy had won Ruby’s scholarship. We remember when she showed us her letter of application, which she wrote late one night in bed and we thought to ourselves how much she loves Take2.
She enjoyed the show last April so much and was waiting all summer for Take2 to resume. She was totally bowled over by the award and it has made her so happy. The confidence she has gained over the years with Take2 affects every part of her life and for this we owe you a big thanks. Of course we think of Ruby and her parents and imagine that, like Lucy, Saturday would have been the high point of her week also and how very lucky Lucy is to be able to do what she loves. We will keep Ruby’s memory alive and will make a donation to her fund towards meningitis research. So, rest assured, Lucy will enthusiastically take over from Niall as this years “scholar” and we wish everyone in Take2 all the very best for the coming year.
With many thanks,
Henry and Jean
Dear Pamela,
I am honoured and proud to be this years Ruby Ayoub scholar. I think it is really sad what happened to Ruby and I feel that the scholarship is a great way to remember her. I am very happy, as I love going to Take2 and I will work really hard every Saturday.
Thank you very much,

2011/2012 Scholarship Winner